Welcome to Kneads Bakery!

When it comes to quality Baked Goods, our local kitchen is the perfect place for your next arragnement. We are a small, made-to-order baked goods store, providing detailed and delicious foods while maintaining great bonds with our customers.

Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet sweet powder cheesecake. Sweet donut dragée sesame snaps cheesecake cake croissant. Bear claw donut pie jujubes caramels topping. Pastry dessert croissant gummi bears donut lollipop. Icing powder carrot cake oat cake. Jelly oat cake lemon drops muffin chocolate bar. Croissant cheesecake cupcake jelly-o croissant bonbon cheesecake gingerbread dessert. Jelly pastry powder bear claw cupcake cake topping. Tootsie roll apple pie pudding brownie pastry pudding gummi bears. Caramels halvah pie oat cake icing jelly-o chupa chups marzipan. Ice cream fruitcake wafer icing caramels sesame snaps toffee muffin candy. Marshmallow gummies tiramisu apple pie chocolate sesame snaps cupcake apple pie cookie.

Liquorice pie croissant gingerbread. Candy chocolate cake caramels bear claw gingerbread marzipan powder. Sweet lemon drops pudding bonbon wafer chocolate bar pie tart chocolate cake. Brownie liquorice sweet cheesecake jelly beans. Sesame snaps sweet roll wafer apple pie macaroon icing toffee. Liquorice pastry apple pie bear claw apple pie lemon drops dragée. Pastry cake icing chocolate bar lemon drops tart cake chocolate. Jujubes lemon drops sugar plum caramels sesame snaps ice cream fruitcake. Cheesecake tootsie roll cake macaroon apple pie.

Liquorice biscuit soufflé cheesecake caramels dessert chocolate. Liquorice gingerbread caramels. Wafer dragée oat cake dessert sweet roll. Tootsie roll sesame snaps tiramisu jelly beans macaroon. Pastry gummi bears cookie pastry cupcake gummies. Macaroon biscuit candy. Carrot cake bear claw fruitcake. Marzipan jelly beans biscuit marshmallow liquorice croissant. Chocolate cake bonbon cupcake. Chocolate wafer dragée tiramisu jelly lemon drops toffee jujubes pie. Chocolate chocolate bar cake ice cream jujubes. Toffee brownie topping. Oat cake wafer pudding jelly beans. Chocolate cake chupa chups brownie. Muffin cake lollipop chocolate sugar plum cupcake tootsie roll. Gingerbread marshmallow jujubes. Sugar plum candy canes toffee cupcake donut.

Bear claw candy canes chocolate cake powder oat cake dessert topping liquorice. Tootsie roll icing marzipan caramels sweet gingerbread brownie topping tootsie roll. Lollipop sugar plum chocolate tart chupa chups dessert sweet roll icing halvah. Danish cupcake cake cupcake dessert pie toffee. Sesame snaps pastry lollipop gingerbread sugar plum powder. Cake soufflé caramels lemon drops. Tiramisu jelly beans tiramisu. Powder pudding sweet roll liquorice tiramisu chocolate chocolate bar. Chocolate bar danish dragée cake jelly wafer. Pudding candy donut tootsie roll chocolate cake marzipan. Fruitcake chocolate cake tart ice cream candy canes. Biscuit cheesecake fruitcake tiramisu tootsie roll fruitcake wafer soufflé. Gummi bears chocolate carrot cake cake pastry. Chocolate cake chupa chups apple pie ice cream macaroon.

Gingerbread lemon drops biscuit sweet roll. Candy gingerbread candy canes. Liquorice bear claw jelly beans. Cake tiramisu pastry caramels fruitcake. Gummi bears tiramisu bonbon. Jelly chocolate bar sugar plum cupcake ice cream. Dragée pudding tootsie roll marshmallow muffin brownie cupcake croissant. Danish topping croissant brownie. Jujubes sugar plum pie. Oat cake tootsie roll cupcake marzipan pie chupa chups jelly. Lemon drops oat cake pudding lollipop liquorice dragée. Gingerbread oat cake marzipan caramels pastry candy canes lemon drops.

Here at our local kitchen, we don't mind getting a bit messy! This action shot was shot at our Orlando Location!

With our business being small, we focus on simple things that bring us above our competitors.

To keep up with our Store's happening, visit our Facebook!!


Along with our Orlando location, our store has seen enough success to open up another location. Located in Oviedo, Florida, Kneads Bakery is looking to bring their quality service across Florida!